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Create FAQ Item

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) of Confetti is generated by the theme from FAQ items.

To create a new FAQ item, navigate in WordPress Dashboard to FAQ > Add New.


The Add New FAQ page will show, information on the FAQs can be define here.

  1. Title – The FAQ’s question should be written as the title.
  2. Editor Container – Where the answers for the question is added.
  3. FAQ Categories (optional) – Assign to preexisting category or add a new one.
  4. Featured Image - This will be used as the background when the element FAQ with background is used.

Once done, click on Publish button.

Create FAQ Categories

Categories are convenient ways to organize your FAQ items, that can be added to more than just one category.

To create new FAQ Category, navigate in WordPress Dashboard to FAQ > FAQ Categories.


The FAQ Categories page will show, here you can add the details of the FAQ Category that you would like to create.


After adding all the details, click on Add New category to save.

Delete FAQ Category

To delete a Category, navigate your Dashboard to FAQ > FAQ Categories.

In the FAQ Categories page, you will see all the created category.

To delete a category, you have two options:

  • Single Delete - Hover your mouse pointer on the category that you would like to delete. You will see a Delete option pop-up. Click on Delete to delete.

  • Multiple Delete - To delete multiple categories, click on the box beside the categories you would want to delete. Then click on the drop-down box for Bulk Actions and choose the Delete option. Click on Apply button to delete.
